Cultural Activities

Cultural Activities

Cultural activities are an integral part of students’ college curriculum. Students participate in cultural activities for a wide variety of reasons: for enjoyment and entertainment, for personal growth and development, as a means of expression, to learn new skills, to meet new people, and to pass on cultural tradition. RNT Group Of Colleges has a rich heritage of nurturing, nourishing, and showcasing talents in cultural, and other activities. The training and Placement Office provides basic infrastructural facilities for conducting Group Discussions and Interviews; computer labs for taking tests; Smart Rooms with Public Addressing System; Along with catering to other logistics.

Cultural Cell Member
Name Position Contact
Mrs.Neema Khan In-charge 9928596531
Dr.O.P Shukwal Member 9460040118
Mrs. Sonu Bhargama Member 9799315200
Dr. Sarita Vasnav Member 9609245071
Dr.Sunita Parihar Member 9166648947